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Live and Alive at SAJ: A Concert Series from the SAJ Sanctuary

June 13, 7:00PM -   Music of Resilience and Remembrance


Piano Sonata I.X by Leoš Janáček  performed by Claudia Knafo


Playing for Our Lives by Gerald Cohen performed by the Cassatt String Quartet

Limited in-person seats available (first come, first served) - $36 per person.
In-person attendees will need to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination and complete a COVID symptom check form when they arrive for the concert. 

Live stream viewing - $18 per person

Register below


 How this series came to be—a note from Claudia Knafo, Music Director:
Starting in March 2020, every stage in New York City fell dark . . . and in the rest of the world as well. In a matter of days, landmark institutions like Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall, and all the theaters on Broadway and off Broadway were closed indefinitely. Now, one year later and counting, we are still struggling to determine when and how our lifelines to culture will open back up again to full capacity.
This double whammy, no live concerts, never mind ven- ues open for performances, have pushed performers to despair. How are all our musicians, actors, stage workers and other cultural artists supposed to earn a living when the very environment in which they work is at a standstill? Their absence from our lives is sorely felt and missed. Our city craves a return to our cultural life!
Our stopgap this past year has been live streaming and Zoom. Who can forget one of the very first of these inspiring examples of joy such collaborations can bring, the powerful finale of Beethoven’s Ode to Joy, performed by the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra?
As a pianist, I have tried to perform at home with the computer streaming my music to an unseen audience online. I am grateful for these many remote listeners and thank them for their presence. And yet, unlike the experience of performing for live audiences, I am left every time with a sense of absence and lack of connection with the very people I’m trying to reach. The miracle of technology has given us so much, but I think I speak for many when I say that by this point, we are eager for a more direct connection to music and the arts. I could not help wondering: when would I be able to return to the stage to make music with others? When would our listeners be able to hear us live again?
Throughout this year, we have, more than ever, come to realize how critical it is to remain connected through community. What better way to renew our bonds with each other? And what better way than with music and culture through our own saj community, from the beautiful SAJ Sanctuary?
With these thoughts in mind, I quickly reached out with the idea for such a series to Rabbi Lauren and Cantor Lisa, and then to my friend, SAJ Board member, Diane Cole. Their enthusiasm was overwhelming.
So join us and enjoy! We are asking for a nominal contribution, if you can, of $18 (Chai, for life and musical life), or more, if you wish. Register here.
Thank you, and let the music begin!
—Dr. Claudia Knafo, Music Director

All proceeds will offset the cost of paying the musicians and producing the concerts. 

After submitting payment you will receive a confirmation e-mail with details about the link for where to go to hear/watch the concerts. 
Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785